Saturday, June 26, 2010


In all honesty, I thought that once school got out, that I would be able to take a break from everyone and everything. Fuck, was I wrong. Not only am I not able to get away from people, I still have to do hella shit and deal with hella people's bullshit. Damn, reality fucking check.
What I hate about summer:
  • Whenever I go out, my sister just stays home and cleans. When I come back, I get lectured about being lazy and I should've cleaned more before I left and such. Haha, funny thing is I DO CLEAN and my sister is hella obsessive compulsive about cleaning. Everything has to be SUPER, SHINY, clean. Things need to be lined up correctly, the dishes can't be like this. The forks can't face this way, they have to face that way. I can't leave my hair spray out or she'll murder me.
    -Bitch, you really need to calm down. Cleaning was never that serious and if it's clean, there is no need for you to be going back and recleaning it. That's fucking ridiculous.
  • I still get questioned. I'll sit here, on the computer, writing or reading, or playing Frontierville, and I get that, "Malisssaaa, what are you doing?" every five minutes. When I go out, I get a fucking survey full of questions. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It's hella irritating to me because my mom hella doesn't believe anything I say. It's not like I'm lying or anything. I'm going to my friend's house, that's it, you need to calm your ass. Just because I have a boyfriend, does not mean that I'm lying about everything I do so I can go and see him.
  • Bitches stay trying to create old drama. Sigh.
In all honesty, I really just want to get away for the summer. I don't want to deal with people from Logan or anywhere else. I just want to lay on the beach, stare at the sky, listen to the crashing of the waves, and rest.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If you try to please everybody, nobody will like it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

High School

I really took like, twenty minutes of my free period to make this blog. Though I already have one on Tumblr, the school blocked it, so I can't use it. And by the blockage, I made this.
This is hella boring. I have nothing to write, and I really just want to kill time so I can go home, eat, rot on my couch, and fall asleep. What the hell, it's only 3:10? I have twenty minutes.
Now it's 3:14, and I have no idea what to write about. I guess I'll just write random shit.
Anyway, I'm hella tired of high school. Well, not really. I'm just tired of going to school. I'm tired of dealing with the obnoxious, loud, fake, bitchy, irritating, annoying, dramatic ass people that go here. I don't know, it's retarded. It's like people have a hard time keeping it real and saying/showing how they really feel. Sometimes, I wonder why people are so afraid to just say what they mean and be who they are (and by saying how they feel, I mean appropriate things). I don't know, it irritates me. I don't know.
Not everyone is going to like you, so stop wasting your time trying to please everybody-because you can't- and be yourself. Things will be so much easier and you will be so much happier. Fuck the people that don't like you for who you are. Never ever change the way you are for someone else or to get someone's attention. If they don't like you, if they're not paying attention, then fuck them, they're not worth it. Do not, and I can't even stress this enough, do not waste your time on people who do not like you for you. Feel me? It's not that hard. Being yourself, keeping it real, is not that hard. Don't feel bad because some people hate you. I used to feel hella bad, but I don't anymore because I surround myself with people that do like me. I don't know, I used to try to please everyone and try to be this cool, chill ass girl that tried to never have enemies. Then, people would hate me for no reason and I'd try to change what I thought was wrong. THEN, I realized that people like THAT were not worth it. And I'm telling you and saving you a lot of inner troubles and insecurities, that you should just be yourself. I don't know, I'm done ranting.